Oh yeah, it’s going to go down all right.  Those crackpot Apolcalyptos were, in fact, right about something.  Something big. Just hold your loved ones close and try to think happy thoughts:

Stay calm… and puft.


Ok, truth serum.  It’s actually something really small that’s about to go down, and I doubt the Mayans had foretold this although granted they do a better job than whoever’s doing the fortune cookies at Sweet Lemon.

Yeah, the building block of images as we know it is about to change.  That’s all.

He was a lover, not a fighter…

It’s flying pretty low under the radar so I thought I’d mention it.  A group of UK academics have finally cracked the code(c) that will allow vectors to be encoded as resolutionless video files.

Anyone who’s used Adobe Illustrator knows the power of the vector. Nice sharp edges at any size, unlike in Photoshop when you scale something up, cringe, and turn to the person next to you and ask if it looks too blurry?  Yeah, but I mean, I really want to use this 320×240 google image in my shot…  think I can blow this up 400% and it’ll fly?  ha ha.

A better example might be the old video game Star Wars.  That one’s chock full of vector technology circa 1983(?), and don’t you sleep better at night knowing that you could blow the death star up on a jumbotron if you wanted, and it would remain as razor sharp as sharp can be.   But honestly, Red 5, don’t even waste your time standing by at Ground Kontrol downtown, because Adam Yoder has all of the high scores locked up until the end of time. Which might be next week.

It’s the end of images as we know it… and I feel fine.

They promise more info on these outlandish claims to go along with their images, but some preliminary bits and bobs are posted up here – check ’em out:
